F L Y 2 O V E R S E A S
Our Services

Assisting you in fulfilling your eligibility
for study abroad dreams.

Are you looking for Scholarships

Best Scholarships for international students.

A Scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be re-paid.

  • Merit Based Scholarships
  • Student Specific Scholarships
  • Need Based Scholarships
  • Program Based Scholarships
  • Indian Scholarship
  • University Scholarship

Research well

Do your research! Investigate courses, universities and their locations.

Make your application

Fly2overseas counsellor will support your university and course applications.

Offer Acceptance

Once your application is received, the university will assess it thoroughly and notify you of the verdict.

Ready, Set, Go

Congratulations – you’re off to a huge adventure. Fly2overseas counsellor will guide your way..

Reach Your Dream

Benefits of Studying Abroad

Earning an international degree is not only about expanding your career and personal horizons but also about having an experience of a lifetime.


Your immigration class New
Orleans Saints deserves you.


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Why Choose Us

Offer custom-made services that
our student needs.

We Put you First

Our extensive network of experienced counsellors help you identify and secure the university or college where you can thrive.

Faster Processing

We work with you to help realise your dream of studying overseas for professional and personal growth.

Approachable Experts

Many of our counsellors were international students too, & are ready to help you find the right course & country.

Support Every Step

At Fly2overseas, we're dedicated to ensuring you feel supported at every stage of your study journey.

Expert Team Members

Our Team at Your Service

Roman Frederick

Regional Manager

Jane Cooper

Medical Assistant

Esther Howard

President of Sales

Jenny Wilson

Marketing Coordinator

Looking for Quality Education In Abroad?

Where did this incorrect belief that everyone dislikes praising happiness come from? Explain to me how this erroneous theory ended up being devised.

  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Malta
  • Australia

Assisting you in fulfilling your eligibility for study abroad dreams.

Unsatiable Entreaties May Collecting Power.

Where did this incorrect belief that everyone dislikes praising happiness come from.

Why You Should Plan Your 2022 Trip Abroad

Where did this incorrect belief that everyone dislikes praising happiness come from.

Going Digital Key to Small Business Success

Where did this incorrect belief that everyone dislikes praising happiness come from.

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